Zach Schapira of Sizmek: Define grey lines in programmatic marketing before they define you

Manuela Walfenzao| 14 de junio de 2016

Product Marketing Manager at Sizmek, Zach Schapira, has studied in depth ad blocking, advertising fraud and the strategies publishers have adopted to overcome these problems. ” Although some publishers have relied on the strength of their content to attract more users, others have tried to raise the price of media on their properties, usually by bundling it together with data and/or creative formats and services; a growing niche of publishers are resorting to alternative methods” he pointed out. Schapira explains that alternative methods can be many things and he emphasized that it is not right for a media to place ads in places where no one can see them or charge advertisers on traffic generated by data centers. “For the benefit of all stakeholders, publishers and advertisers alike are now employing verification technology in order to monitor, refund, and in some cases even block this kind of behavior” he added. For the Executive, the next frontier is already here. “You must define grey lines in programmatic marketing before they define you. There are publishers who sell inventory based on a 100% viewable guarantee: advertisers have to pay only for viewable impressions, based on the MRC’s definition of having at least 50% of an ad’s pixels in view for at least one second (display). Let’s say that from verification reporting, the advertiser discovers that the publisher has been forcing their iFrames to auto-refresh every 5 seconds. Sometimes it loads the same ad again into that same space, to the same user (costing the advertiser another impression). Other times it cycles through several brands during that same user session (robbing the advertiser of extended brand exposure). Was that fraud? Is it a violation of the terms of sale?” he said. “Advertisers can be proactive about certain publisher practices they find unacceptable, they need to first understand that they’re happening.”

Diario de Hoy

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2024


Comenzó la décima edición de SMARTFILMS con más de 1.200 cortometrajes hechos con celulares


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Roberto Stopello, showrunner y series developer de Netflix

Roberto Stopello es personaje de la semana en PRODU, tras la entrevista exclusiva ofrecida a Ríchard Izarra en #PRODUprimetime, donde reveló detalles de su nueva etapa profesional, después de dejar su cargo en enero de este año como VP de Desarrollo para México en Netflix. Ahora sigue trabajando en exclusiva para la plataforma, pero con mayor libertad y con la posibilidad de pasar tiempo de calidad con su familia. Además, puede vivir en Orlando, EE UU, donde están sus afectos.


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Natpe fortalece su propuesta como mercado con la incorporación de RealScreen Summit, dos mercados en uno, ambos a realizarse en la semana del 3 al 7 de febrero en el Hotel InterContinental de Miami. De esta manera, incrementa su propuesta de valor, al ofrecer un mayor acceso a distribuidores y compradores de EE UU y global, con el atractivo de nuevos contactos y negocios para el mercado latinoamericano. Otra ventana es que se distancia de Content Americas en el espacio de tiempo. Sobre estos temas habló en México José Luis Sánchez, gerente para Latinoamérica, EE UU y Global de Natpe Global, quien viajó a este país junto a César Díaz, en una cruzada de ventas y promoción del evento.

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