Nielsen: Podcast Listeners are an Opportunity for Tech Gadget Marketers

Manuela Walfenzao| 8 de diciembre de 2016

Las campañas integradas en redes sociales son cruciales para alcanzar a este grupo

Nielsen Scarborough examined the shopping behaviors of audio fans eager to try the latest tools that keep them connected, since digital or internet accessible gifts are sure to be at the top of any podcast listeners’ wish list. According to Nielsen, there is a growing audience for devices to listen to podcasts. Understanding who listens to podcasts and what devices they use or might want can be helpful for their friends and family members who are Christmas gift-givers, and for advertisers aiming to reach listeners themselves.While electronic device ownership is high for podcast listeners, intent to purchase shows they still desire new devices, and will probably have them on their holiday wish list. When asked what items their households plan to buy during the next year, podcast listeners revealed they might purchase several types of electronics, such as HD radios (289), eReaders (209), video game systems (195), digital cameras (155) and HDTVs (135). Almost all podcast listeners own a smartphone (91%), yet they are 52% more likely to plan to purchase a new device in the upcoming year. Podcast listeners agree they are fascinated by new technology (65%), and tablet purchase forecasts among podcast listeners is promising, as they are 78% more likely to be planning to purchase one next year.Integrated campaigns across social media channels will be important for advertisers who want to reach the podcast listener: 92% of podcast listeners have visited a social networking site during the past month, and 66% agree that, when they find a technology or electronics product they like, they typically recommend it to people they know.A gift card to an online electronics retailer is a good option for gift givers to buy for the podcast listeners in their life, who might also appreciate a digitally focused online subscription service. Podcast listeners are 149% more likely to have watched a TV program using an online subscription service, 135% more likely to have downloaded/purchased music, 129% more likely to have watched/downloaded movies and 121% more likely to have listened to an online music service in the past 30 days.

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viernes, 28 de marzo de 2025


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