10 YEARS OF TONO STUDIOS – Jaime Zapata From Tono: Our Clients Have Given Us The Good Reputation We Are Proud Of

Liz Unamo| 6 de septiembre de 2017

Zapata: Hemos logrado armar un equipo multifacético y capaz de atender a cualquier mercado

According to Jaime Zapata, Founder and Chief Sound Engineer at Tono Studios, the production company is the result of the combination of experiences in several studios and jobs. Based on this learning, and together with Raquel Ramírez, they founded a workplace in which people could feel at ease.“Our biggest accomplishment, above all, is that clients who initially trusted in us, continue with us. Then, having expanded our list of clients and brands. We are lucky to be able to work with clients that think like us and know they can count on Tono Studios for all their audio and production needs. And they are the ones who have given us the reputation we are proud of” explains Zapata.Sound awakens people’s imagination and conveys a sensation, taking into account that the art of recording lies, not only in being able to recreate those sounds but in generating those same sensations when the sound is reproduced. “I think that in sound there are no rules, so I don’t impose limitations on myself. First, I visualize in my mind what sounds to combine to achieve the idea. I know many library sound effects, and where to start looking for what I need, or if it is better to go out and record it.”He confesses that one of his satisfactions as Chief Sound Engineer is the solidness in how the studio is designed and set up. “From the first day, the studio was very professional, worked perfectly well, and continues to do so. It was very important to have trained a team of engineers who follow the same philosophy of achieving the perfect mix in each project.”For a decade, they have been consistent with their work and their philosophy, he added. “Throughout these ten years, Tono Studios has been included in many awards our clients have received and we are proud that they allow us to take part in their creative work. We put our heart and dedication into fulfilling our clients’ expectations, and if the ad receives an award, it is a great satisfaction for us.”

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