Nigel Hollis From Kantar Millward Brown: Digital Advertising Can Be Very Effective

Manuela Walfenzao| 2 de agosto de 2017

Hollis: Posiblemente el recorte de P&G en publicidad digital sea compensado

Nigel Hollis, EVP and Chief Global Analyst at Kantar Millward Brown wrote on his firm’s blog an article titled: Why Sales didn’t Drop after P&G made Cutbacks in Digital. In that text, Hollis raises questions about the real value of digital advertising. The fact is that P&G reduced the expense on this type of advertising in US$140 million, however, sales for the company increased. P&G has questioned effectiveness of digital advertising, highlighting that the most accurate targeting boosts ROI, and that metrics offered by digital platforms are arguable. The company has additionally restricted publications in platforms that do not agree with their standards and specifications. According to Hollis there are many factors at stake and it is difficult to explain why this cutback in adverting did not result in sales drop. He explained that P&G brands do not advertise separately and that the competition -Kimberly-Clark, Colgate-Palmolive and Reckitt Benckiser- have reported to have flat sales accompanied by decreases in advertisings. “P&G’s cut in advertising might be compensated if most companies control their ad spend” he said. Hollis admitted there are big questions regarding the efficiency of digital ad spend and if that money is being spent efficiently. A report from his company titled Brand Lift Insights found that some digital campaigns can be very effective, and said: “I have to believe that” and he feels it is a fact that P&G did its job in ensuring that effectiveness.

Diario de Hoy

martes, 15 de octubre de 2024


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