WPP forms new creative, data and technology agency Wunderman Thompson

Liz Unamo| 26 de noviembre de 2018

Mel Edwards y Tamara Ingram

WPP today announced that Wunderman and J. Walter Thompson will unite to form Wunderman Thompson, a creative, data and technology agency built to inspire growth for its clients.The new organisation will be distinctively positioned as a provider of end-to-end solutions – through creative, data, commerce, consulting and technology services – at a global scale. Wunderman and J. Walter Thompson share many core clients, who will now have simpler access to the expertise of both agencies. And, as technology reshapes marketing, Wunderman Thompson will also capitalise on close and long-standing partnerships with Adobe, Amazon, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Salesforce and SAP. The newly formed agency will be led by Global Chief Executive Officer Mel Edwards, who is currently the Global CEO of Wunderman. Tamara Ingram, CEO of J. Walter Thompson, will become Chairman. Mark Read, CEO of WPP, said: “Wunderman Thompson is a formidable combination, bringing together the capabilities our clients are demanding – award-winning creativity alongside deep expertise in technology, data and commerce – in a single organisation. “Clients want greater simplicity from their partners and this development, like others at WPP, is designed to reshape our company around their needs. “It’s great news for our clients that we can combine the best of JWT and Wunderman in a single agency, and it’s great news for WPP as it allows us to compete more effectively in the sectors with the most significant opportunities for future growth.” Mel Edwards, Global Chief Executive Officer, Wunderman Thompson, said: “To achieve transformative outcomes, clients today need inspiration that is rooted in data-driven insight. I’m really excited to be able to deliver that within one agency. Wunderman Thompson offers precisely what clients want: brilliant creativity, expertise in data and sophisticated technology skills. I couldn’t be more honoured to lead this new organisation and its exceptional people.” Tamara Ingram, Chairman, Wunderman Thompson, added: “Both JWT and Wunderman have been built by the commitment of many talented people, whose combined capabilities will further distinguish us in the market. Coming together was a decision driven by the opportunity to better serve our clients, expand our offering and create an agency effectively positioned for the future. As Wunderman Thompson we will deliver world-class services in every geography, and work that is more meaningful and more impactful than ever.”Wunderman Thompson will be an agency of more than 20,000 people in 90 markets. It will be fully operational in early 2019.

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