GUT names Ignacio Ferioli and Joaquín Cubria CCOs and partners as shop growth soars

Cristian Vergara| 10 de julio de 2019

Ignacio Ferioli Joaquin Cubria GUT

GUT announced that Ignacio Ferioli and Joaquín Cubria will join the agency as Chief Creative Officers and Partners, responsible for driving the creative output of the agency across its three offices in Miami, São Paulo, and Buenos Aires.“Working with Anselmo and Gaston is an amazing experience and joining them as partners is as great an honor as it is a challenge. For us, GUT embodies being in the right place at the right time. We believe in everything the agency stands for: braveness, great work, transparency and building a team made up of the best talent in the industry. Stay true to those principles and gutsy clients will follow” said Ferioli and Cubria.Ferioli and Cubria have been bringing creative ideas from Buenos Aires to the rest of the world for more than 20 years. Between the two they’ve won more than 60 Cannes Lions including a Grand Prix for Good and the First D&AD Impact Pencil for Latin America, as well as several Yellows. They were previously co-CCOs at DAVID Buenos Aires prior to joining GUT, collaborating on global campaigns for Coca-Cola, Budweiser’s 2019 Super Bowl spot and the Volkswagen pitch that resulted in WPP winning the business for the US, Canada and Mexico. The duo joined DAVID Buenos Aires in 2012 as ECDs, and under their leadership the office boosted the growth of the DAVID network. By 2016 it entered the Top 5 of the Cannes Agency Ranking thanks to “ManBoobs,” the most awarded idea in the festival that year. The campaign led to a widespread heated debate around social media censorship and was translated to more than 20 languages. In their seven years at DAVID they helped drive local and global work for clients like Burger King, Coca-Cola, Unilever, AB InBev and Noblex, an Argentinean electronics brand for which they created the successful “All-In Promo” that earned them a Gold Lion in 2018 and a Gold Effectiveness Lion this past June. Adweek included Ferioli and Cubria in its annual Creative 100 list in 2018.Anselmo Ramos, GUT’s Founder and Chief Creative Officer said, “Ignacio and Joaquín have been family since we started working together years ago. I couldn’t be more excited to welcome them to GUT and to build this agency with them.”GUT has a team of 50 across its three offices, with a client roster of clients including Tim Hortons, Domino’s Pizza, Mercado Libre, Netflix, and Nestlé.

Diario de Hoy

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2024


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