Javier Osorio of Fluent360: Latinos are an integral part of society so we’re obliged to create straightforward messages

Claudia Smolansky| 15 de agosto de 2022

Javier Osorio de Fluent360

Javier Osorio is the new group creative director at Fluent360, a new stage in his professional career after seven years working freelance. What most attracted him there was the chance to work with his friend, the agency CCO Jose Suaste, and to take the lead in building a creative team. From that position he will be in charge of advertising for the Hispanic market. “The agency is an interesting jigsaw puzzle, since besides the Hispanic market, it also addresses African Americans and Asian Americans,” Osorio said.Among the coming goals for Fluent360, he added, is the redefinition of the team’s structure. “We’ll take on the people we need, because one must have the right ingredients to cook up the best recipes,” he said. Among Fluent360’s accounts are Nissan, the U.S. Army, DIRECTV Streaming, Infiniti and more.Osorio expressed his eagerness to see how the work for his clients evolves between creativity and strategizing. And in that same process, he said, what most excites him will be witnessing the personal and professional growth of his team. “Those are the real satisfactions. When you see the people you work with being successful and becoming the big winners, for me that’s worth more than any honor or award.” In that regard, he added that his idea is to create the most diverse team that exists on the market, in order to give a chance to those he considers hidden behind the scenes for too many years.“It’s really interesting to walk down the hallways and see the mixtures and connections of staff members. Plus it’s very enriching that African Americans, Asian Americans and Hispanics have a place to express themselves and put their ideas on the table,” he said.For Osorio, the expertise of these three groups working together makes Fluent360 unique.He also noted that among the industry changes he has observed following the pandemic, the most relevant has been the “hybrid work model,” which by his standards has been positive. The hybrid work model means “we have both things, since we can have space, distancing and gear down when we have to, or at the same time get back together at full speed ahead,” he said.Meanwhile, he considers that the audience “has left the trenches and is out there saying what it feels.” “Hispanic consumers no longer feel like a minority. Now they’re out there expressing themselves just like the general market. This is linked to a context of change in social media as well as on the music scene. In pop and urban music, for example. We Latinos are an integral part of society and that obliges us to create messages, straightforward messages most of all,” Osorio concluded.

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