Álvar Suñol of alma: Our culture is the glue that binds us so we can move forward together against any adversity

Maye Albornoz| 17 de diciembre de 2022

Álvar Suñol, co-presidente y CCO de ALMA

“Flexibility” will be the key word this year. According to Alvar Suñol, co-president and CCO of alma, it will have to be defined and redefined according to the context – something that in his opinion will be very difficult. Without wishing to sound prophetic, Suñol emphasizes individuality as a leading factor without actually specifying a trend for the first quarter. “Focusing 100 percent on the present and managing to do better work for our clients every day, while at the same time enjoying ourselves and having fun doing it, would at least be my own personal tendency.” For alma, this has been another great year in terms of business and its creative reputation, he said. “You realize how important it is to have a strong culture in times like these. The resilient attitude of each and every one of us at alma is the key that has allowed us to get where we are. Our culture is the glue that binds us so we can keep moving forward together against any adversity.” At the creative level, he speaks of nostalgia for in-person contact. “I miss the real interaction, the times when improvisation and spontaneity are a constant reality and permanently enrich advertising creativity. However much technology progresses, that is irreplaceable.” Open: An Autobiography by Andre AgassiAmong his literary recommendations, Suñol spoke of his current read: Open: An Autobiography by tennis star Andre Agassi. “I’m loving it. Not only because I’ve always liked tennis so much and was a 100 percent fan and contemporary of Agassi. But in fact, if you don’t like tennis, it doesn’t mean your life stops being interesting. Agassi tells how he lived immersed in an enormous contradiction. Here’s a number one in world tennis who in fact hated and detested that sport. In some aspects I feel very much identified with him (on another level, of course), maybe because life is no more than a constant contradiction within itself.”

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