CTV market reaches 41 pct. of LatAm population

Krystel Orozco| 5 de febrero de 2023

Comscore TV Conectada

Connected TV (CTV) is ever more popular in Latin America. A study taken by Comscore in collaboration with the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) of Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay found that in recent years, CTV reached more than 150 million TV viewers, the equivalent of some 41 percent of the Latin American population. The study found that Argentina, Brazil and Mexico were the countries with the greatest growth in the use of CTV. The results showed that “97 percent of households have at least one Smart TV,” this being the preferred device. At the same time, 22 percent of those questioned said they consume audiovisual content from other streaming devices and another 18 percent by means of video game consoles.In addition, the Comscore study clearly identified the CTV benefits, such as the possibility of reaching younger audiences and niche segments, and especially the possibility of controlling the “frequency of exposure to advertising.” These consumer practices also provide the opportunity for the user to interact with the ads in a different way, in other words, through a more focused advertising. The study also turned up data with regard to people who interact with such advertising, like the 32 percent that learned about a new product, 31 percent who looked for the product advertised online, 24 percent who talked about the ad, 19 percent who shared the ad with others, and 15 percent who purchased the product offered. One reason behind CTV’s success in the OTT (over the top) environment is connected to the advertising focus and how this is in line with the needs of the consumer. Meanwhile, connected television allows the user to choose between seeing the content without ads by paying for the programming (SVOD) or to watch free programming full of ads (AVOD). As for viewer preferences on the LatAm market, the study showed that some 65 percent of those interviewed would rather pay a fee to eliminate the ads. Nonetheless, about 35 percent favor quality content even if it includes advertising.The study wraps up with favorable results for the CTV market in LatAm, for which reason it is expected to continue growing as more and more advertisers choose to invest in this format.

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