Lucia Mendoza of Denstu Creative as Innovation juror at Cannes Lions: Ideas must be based on their social impact

Claudia Smolansky| 15 de marzo de 2023

Jurado Lucia Mendoza Dentsu Creative

Lucia “Pistola” Mendoza, head of Innovation & Design at Dentsu Creative MX, was picked to serve as a member of the 2023Cannes Lions jury in the Innovation category. In that regard, she said she feels honored, grateful and much moved to be given this opportunity. “This is important for female leadership in Mexico and the region. It implies a great responsibility and you have to be at the level of the ideas to be able to judge them from the same level. It implies a lot of learning and that is what means the most to me, learning and applying my perspective to the ideas we judge,” she said.As for the trends she hopes to see this year she mentioned artificial intelligence (AI) and gaming. “Gaming is a fertile territory for ideas, since it’s the place where audiences see themselves as best represented,” Mendoza said. She also hopes to find ideas that address environmental sustainability and that find ways for brands to address the climate change crisis. Among other trends she cites proposals of political and workplace inclusion and how technology can act in favor of diversity. And in that same scenario, she notes that the metaverse will be another of the year’s trending topics, as are cryptocurrencies and decentralization. “We must keep developing our understanding and advancing transactions between brands and consumers. I want to see ideas linked to the blockchain that change the daily life of users and influence the creative level of brands,” she said.For Mendoza, an innovative company must always be based on having a positive impact on the public. “I will focus on evaluating how a campaign can utilize technology or new production methods and the creation of an idea for achieving that objective, which is to have a positive impact on society and on individuals as part of a sales pitch for brands,” she said.She added that ideas must have a social impact and that reference must be made to how much is enough. “In Dentsu, ideas that change the future of people affect and create culture. It’s important to distinguish each brand from the others by creating that impact and that is what I’m going to study. I’m always inspired seeing ideas with that social impact and, of course, that address inclusion,” Lucia Mendoza concluded.

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