Protagonistas El Reality, created by Promofilm US for Univision, was produced in the Imagina US Studios, located in Miami, FL, and it was called a complete success due to its outstanding interaction with the audience. Throughout its run, Protagonistas reached over 9 million voters in the elimination rounds, and reached over 2.4 million voters during its episode finale. Furthermore, online Protagonistas achieved traffic of over 16.6 million pages and an approximate average of 106,000 new cookies weekly, for a total of over 1.4 million visits throughout the show. For mobile, Protagonistas reached over 1.9 million visits; traffic came from Univisions App and Mobile Web. In terms of Video, the show achieved positive video metrics in the form of over 1.6 million video streams and more than 42,000 average weekly unique players. The Casa Estudio (Studio Home) was visited by over 30 special guests, currently recognized talent of the US Hispanic market, such as Antonio Banderas, Luis Enrique, Reik, Fanny Lu, Adal Ramones, Sebastian Rulli, Gloria Trevi and, William Levy among others. We are extremely proud of being a part of this project, we bring home a great deal of satisfaction not only from the efforts of all the crew and team members that were part of this production, but also because of the outstanding results achieved in the two networks that it aired, Univision and TeleFutura, commented Hugo Devana, executive producer of Protagonistas El Reality.