IBOPE Media’s Creativos Latam let clients to visualize all new Broadcast TV ads released into the market on a monthly basis

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| August 30, 2012

Antonio Wanderley, marketing director of IBOPE Media

Creativos Latam is a new service offered by IBOPE Media through a partnership with Adfinitum, a Canadian company which offers an online platform for the purchase of creative ad copies from around the globe provided by research and ad monitoring companies. Creativos Latam is available for the markets of Brazil (São Paulo) and Argentina (GBA), and with it, clients are able to visualize all new Broadcast TV ads released into the market on a monthly basis. “With this service IBOPE enters an area in which it was not yet operating, and our expectation is to grow. Still this year, we are taking Creativos Latam to Peru and Colombia, and expanding the service to include print media ads,” says Antonio Wanderley, marketing director of IBOPE Media.Roughly 1,017 new ads aired over Broadcast TV for the São Paulo region within the first half of this year. The retail/ commerce sector, with daily offers to attract the general public, was responsible for 44% of new ads, followed by the entertainment (sports/ tourism/ leisure/ culture) sector which represented 9% of the overall new ads; consumer services sector (8%); automobile sector (6%); finance/ insurance sector (5%); public/ social services (4%); beauty/ personal hygiene (4%) and telecommunication services (4%).In view of the durable consumer goods industry, VW, Fiat, GM, Honda and other major automakers represent 60% of the new ads for the period in the car-retail category, which is itself, responsible for 61% of new ads within the entire automobile sector. In the Argentinean capital, Broadcast TV aired, on average, 440 new ads/ month within the first half of this year. The greatest volume of new ads was from the media and retail/ commerce sectors (15%). Most ads in the retail/ commerce sector, similar to São Paulo, included supermarket and department stores offers. When looking at consumer goods sector, the categories with the highest volume of new ads were the telecommunications category (8%), food (7%) and beauty/ personal hygiene (7%).40% of new ads in the telecom category were corporate and triple-play/combo offers. Advertisers such as America Móvil and Telecentro were responsible for the highest number of new ads in the category.

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