Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with special programming

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 12 de septiembre de 2014

Cine Nostalgia will air El Rayo del Sur on September 20th

During the Hispanic Heritage Month celebrations, September 15 to October 15, Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar offer special programming focused on the Hispanic heritage and traditions. “Also this programming pays tribute to the founding fathers that led the Latin American independence movements in most countries of Latin America, as well as renown Hispanic Americans who have positively influenced and enriched our nation and society” said to PRODU Carlos Vasallo, president and CEO of Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar.Cine Nostalgia programming includes special stories featuring two contrasting cultural settings, the Spanish idiosyncrasy versus indigenous traditions, as well as the life and challenges of Latin America heroes who fought for the freedom and independence of their people, including Father Morelos and the American Liberator Simon Bolívar (El Rayo del Sur on September 20th, Tribu on September 27th, Alma Insurgente on October 4th, Canto a las Américas on October 11th and Simón Bolívar on October 12th).In addition, Cine Nostalgia presents traditional music and representative folklore dances and adds versatility through humor with the most famous Mexican comedian of all times Mario Moreno Cantinflas (Así Es Mi Tierra on Saturday September 13th).Cine Estelar programming will pay tribute to great directors, actors and singers of Latin American cinema. Cine Estelar includes an array of films focused on the Mexican music and traditions with luminaries such as Vicente Fernández (with films such as El Cuatrero on Sunday September 14; El Albañil on Sunday September 21; El Coyote y la Bronca Sunday, September 28; Dios los Cría Sunday October 4 and El Sinvergüenza on Sunday October 11) as well as a variety of comedy films starring María Elena Velasco in his character of La India María (Sor Tequila on September 14; Duro Pero Seguro, September 21; Pobre Pero Honrada, September 28th; El Que No Corre Vuela, October 4; among many others).

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