Hemisphere Media Group announces news and election coverage

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 23 de octubre de 2020

Alan Sokol de HMTV anuncia cobertura electoral

With important political developments that will impact Latino/Hispanic communities—including major elections—taking place in the coming weeks, Hemisphere Media Group, Inc. (HMTV) has leveraged two of its networks to offer critical news coverage and programming to its audiences. 

On Sunday, October 25 at 9pm viewers can tune into WAPA América, the mainland U.S. cable network arm of WAPA Televisión to watch what will be the only meeting between the five mayoral candidates for San Juan, Puerto Rico’s capital city.

Dubbed El Gran Debate de San Juan (San Juan’s Great Debate), the event will feature Adrián González Costa from Puerto Rico’s Partido Independentista Puertorriqueño (the Puerto Rican Independence Party), Manuel Natal Albelo from the Movimiento Victoria Ciudadana (the Citizen Victory Movement), Miguel Romero Lugo from the Partido Nuevo Progresista (New Progressive Party), Nelson Rosario Rodríguez from Proyecto Dignidad (the Dignity Project) and Rossana López León from the Partido Popular Democrático (the Popular Democratic Party).

Additionally, on Thursday, October 22, WAPA América aired Noticentro América: Antesala al Debate Presidencial, a prelude to the second and final presidential debate between former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump.

In a bid to keep other segments of the Latino/Hispanic community informed, HMTV’s CentroAméricaTV will broadcast special editions of its exclusive original program Inmigrantes, with segments focused on the U.S. electoral process on Saturday, October 24, and again on Saturday, October 31, at 8pm ET/5pm PT.

“We pride ourselves in providing the most relevant and important coverage for our viewers; offering Latino/Hispanic audiences community-specific news is a key differentiator for HMTV. We understand that the Latino/Hispanic community is not monolithic, and as such, has varied informational needs that must be addressed and catered to differently. We remain committed to continuing our efforts in bringing our viewers diverse perspectives and the content and coverage that matters to them most,” said Alan J. Sokol, president, and CEO of Hemisphere Media Group, Inc.

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