Luz Marina Arango, president of Andina Link, requested in a letter applauses for all cableoperators and the ISPs in Latin America, medium and small, that are connecting their regions, cities, towns and villages, with their own effort and without the help of subsidies nor tax exemption.
“Without telecommunicators our governments would not have a way to reach millions of people, to maintain us informed through them, some in faraway regions, where not even national television reaches, taking entertainment to each citizen in this quarantine, and what is most important: information”.
Arango summons all the governments in Latin America to design a support strategy for this sector that today proves its importance:
“Today we make it evident that they are the backbone of the entire economy. Thanks to them universities and many big and small educational institutions can work through teleducation, some institutions with telemedicine, banks are able to work, they unite families and keep us busy in times when distancing is mandatory, in a nutshell, all we can do having Internet access. Today, the population complies with preventive isolation because they have access to international and national news that help contain this crisis.”