Budgets are returning to traditional TV

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| July 21, 2020

Eric Jurgensen de America TV

Eric Jürgensen, Content and Programming director at America TV from Peru, commented on #PRODUprimetime with Richard Izarra, that the pandemic forced them to suspend two successful programs: Dos Hermanas and Esto es Guerra.
Fortunately, they were able to replace them with other national productions ready to be launched, La Rosa de Guadalupe (Peruvian version, 20 hours) and Te Volveré a Encontrar (120 horas). “We are very pleased to have had the ability to forecast or the wisdom to have products ready. Sometimes, finance managers do not understand why you produce something if you don’t have an airing date. With this we had time to regroup,” said Jürgensen.
They also resorted to the rerun of Yo Me Llamo Natacha, which was so successful that it went from noon to primetime. “The cost is zero, that is another reason to produce: you have the rights for life”.

The next launch will be La Otra Orilla, another production of Del Barrio (that already produced 20 telenovelas with America TV) in which a nurse, a cleaning lady, a policeman, and a doctor will live the impact of COVID-19 in their lives. “It is an interesting 40-hour product that will give us time until national production with kisses, embraces, and all that is needed comes back”.

Jürgensen also highlighted that open TV is alive but has to adapt to smaller advertising pies. “The good news is that budgets are returning to traditional TV because clients of massive products have lost market share and awareness”.
Watch interview with Eric Jürgensen from Peru`s America TV on #PRODUprimetime with Richard Izarra
Diario de Hoy

jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2024


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