Buendía Estudios: We closed a deal with Universal International Studios for the creation of content in Spanish

Miryana Márquez| March 23, 2022

Ignacio Corrales de Buendía Estudios

Buendía Estudios and Universal International Studios, a division of the Universal Studio Group, closed an agreement to co-develop and produce original series, as well as to adapt NBCUniversal formats for the entire Spanish-speaking market.

“For Buendía Estudios, this agreement is a fundamental step in its strategy of creating and producing premium content in Spanish for global audiences. An association that unites two complementary teams that have in common the passion and commitment to tell good stories,” said Ignacio Corrales, general director of Buendía Estudios.

Beatrice Springborn, President of Universal International Studios, pointed out that working with “the best storytellers and talents from Buendía Estudios will allow us to fulfill our commitment to create more programming in the local language with the promise that it will captivate and entertain audiences around the world.”

The first product of this alliance will be the development and production of the Spanish version of the Safe Harbor series.

“In an increasingly globalized world in which real events cross borders, we have the challenge of translating that reality into fictions that, without losing their universal interest, reach the viewer in a close way and with a unique and distinct flavor. We are very excited about this first project and the opportunity that entails to bring Safe Harbor closer to new Spanish-speaking and cultural audiences,” said Sonia Martínez, Editorial Director of Series at Buendía Estudios.

Diario de Hoy

jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2024


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