Fernando Medin from WBD: By combining the strengths of both companies we are building an organization like no other

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| June 8, 2022

Fernando Medin Discovery Latin America

It has been confirmed that Tomás Yankelevich will lead the content team of general, factual, and lifestyle entertainment brands, that comprise more than 35 channels, and Pablo Zuccarino will handle the children’s content division of Warner Bros. Discovery. They will both report to Fernando Medin, president, and general manager for Latin America and US Hispanic. Carolina Lightcap is leaving the company.   

“In the last few weeks, I have been focused on meeting with the leaders of Latam/USH to define WBD’s best leadership structure in the region. For this, we are grounding on the principles of agility, efficiency, and local relevance in a way that enables us to capture the growth and potential our market presents. It was not an easy task, since both organizations have excellent professionals with great experience, passion, and commitment” said Medin in an internal statement to the company.

“I want to take this opportunity to recognize and thank Carolina for the incredible work she has done over the years. Carolina greatly contributed to the success of its portfolio of Discovery, positioning these brands as leaders in their segments in the region and developing premium content for children, including the creation and leadership of Discovery Kids Media. Carolina will remain in the company for a transition period” reported Medin.

For her part, Vera Buzanello will serve as head of Revenue (Affiliates and Advertising Sales) and Country Manager of Brazil. After a transition period, Anna Andrade will leave the company.

Felipe de Stefani will be Country Manager of Argentina and will step down from his role as leader of the Panregional Ad Sales team, and Gustavo Minaker will hold the position of Country Manager of Chile and will have another role that will soon be announced. Jorge Carey will focus exclusively on CNN Chile and will leave his role as responsible for Affiliate Sales. Guillermo Delfino, Country Manager of Discovery for the South Cone, is leaving the company.

Patricia Jasin will assume as country manager of Colombia and will continue in charge of the International Distribution area, Marcela Doria will lead the Insights team, and Octavio Pedroza, Home Entertainment and Games.

“I am very excited about this team and the future of the company. By combining the strengths of the companies we are building an organization like no other in our region” he ended.

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