¡HOLA! TV: We found a more and greater variety of content in the latest markets than two years ago

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| December 2, 2022

Adolfo Álvarez Vivas de Hola TV

Adolfo Álvarez Vivas, VP On-Air Programming and Content Director of ¡HOLA! Atresmedia TV highlighted the amount and variety of content that he found in the last three markets that he attended: Biarritz, Mipcom, and MIP Cancun.

“In Biarritz, I began to realize that there was much more content compared to other years, a fact that I confirmed it at Mipcom and MIP Cancun. 90% of the distributors had something interesting for us taking into account that for our channel is very complicated to adjust foreign content because we have a strong editorial line,” he said, after commenting that this situation probably has to do with the pandemic —the year in which production stopped, along with its development—, in addition to the boom of new platforms and its demand for content.

Álvarez Vivas also highlighted that he has noted a mix of genres, which give the content a twist of freshness, such as reality shows combined with contests. He’s also mentioned an increase in the docudrama, which they noticed a few years ago, but it has increased this past year.

“We are a small channel where we produce our content, but we also buy. We always look for genres that fit the channel, like celebrities, fashion, royalty, and lifestyle. When we see that many different distributors in the market offer similar content, we can create programming slots. For example, we did it with Casas de Ensueño (dream houses) and luxury hotels. Also with biographies about famous people and celebrities,” he explained, after commenting that they have to evaluate how much of the new content viewed works for them, and if they’re planning to strengthen their current slots or create new ones, so it is early to say.

He explained that they also cover key events, such as the death of Queen Elizabeth. “Many of these situations can be foreseen, for which you need to acquire, but also produce content,” explained Álvarez Vivas, who manages the channel’s original production, acquisitions, programming, and promotions.

“Next year is the coronation of King Charles III and it must be planned. My programming is a combination of events that I know are going to happen or likely to happen, and current affairs, where obviously I can’t always foresee a divorce, for example, so I have to keep an eye on what’s going on with key people,” he explained. He added that it is also necessary to constantly check what people are saying in social media, to be aware of market trends, as well as to know what the audience expects.

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