TelevisaUnivision: Más Moda and Menos Filtro are the first segments that seek to move audiences between streaming and linear TV

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| March 8, 2023

José Morales de Univision

TelevisaUnivision’s new strategy is to create concepts around its talents that can bring eyeballs or streaming audiences to linear TV and vice versa. Two of these new exercises are Más Moda and Menos Filtro, hosted by Jomari Goyso, debuting on Tuesday the 7th on ViX’s Noticias Univision 24/7 and on Despierta América on Univisión on Wednesday the 8th.

“The concept of Más Moda and Menos Filtro is two spaces that depend on each other. One part lives in streaming –Más Moda– and the other –Menos Filtro– in linear, in Despierta América. And in this way, wherever the segment Josmari is, he can take advantage to promote the other,” explained José Morales, Senior VP of Consumer Engagement and Talent Strategies at TelevisaUnivision.

Since Más Moda is in a news environment (Univision News 24/7), Goyso will be giving the fashion headlines; but in Menos Filtro, which will be on Despierta América, he will have more freedom because it is an entertainment show.

“At Univisión we are thinking differently, it is part of this new relationship where we have to move consumer or viewer eyeballs to both the streaming and TV parts. In this way, the promotional wheel helps both platforms. This concept of Jomari is a good starting point since he has a significant number of followers on his social networks,” added Morales.

Jomari Goyso explained that the segments will last five to six minutes each. “It’s a new opportunity and any new platform is where I have the opportunity to create something different, I’m fascinated because it’s a way to grow,” he said.

Morales said that they are hoping this concept of Más Moda and Menos Filtro grows to become the future show, a podcast, or an option within Univisión radio stations. “That is my dream that both continue to grow and diversify,” he said.

As with Goyso, Univisión is working on other concepts around their talent. “I can assure you that there are many new projects with Univisión talent approved and in production for ViX, offers not only for ViX+ but also for AVOD, which include many formats and options for Univisión talent,” Morales said.

Morales handles the ways to manage the broadcasting of their talent. “Using talent means engaging with the consumer. As part of my assignments, I identify the talent that has the most options and creates concepts around them.”

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