Teads reveals five key trends shaping the media industry in 2024

Josefina Blanco| 22 de enero de 2024

Tendenecia Teads 2024

“From the dominance of CTV to the rise of AI-powered media, our findings signal a call for one thing in the year ahead – adaptability. In the post-cookie era, the foresight to anticipate and capitalize on emerging themes will be the common thread driving successful media campaigns and monetization. By working with a premium-quality, forward-thinking, and proactive partner, brands can future-proof their success,” said Jeremy Arditi, co-CEO of Teads, introducing the company’s latest ebook, Tech Themes 2024.Whether you’re grappling with shifting to a cookieless world, looking to maximize your ROI with CTV, or exploring the synergy between brand and performance marketing, this guide is invaluable, this ebook offers an insider’s guide to navigating through 2024’s media evolution, focusing on the five pivotal themes redefining the marketing frontier.1. The Importance of Context in the Shift Beyond Third-Party DataAs we move into a cookieless future, it’s crucial to develop alternative strategies off third-party data — because staying ahead isn’t just about keeping pace; it’s about preventing your business from losing scale. Leveraging contextual signals and intelligence shifts the paradigm from reliance on individual user data to understanding the complete picture of content consumption. This approach offers a promising pathway where the relevance of ads is determined by the content environment, aligning marketing efforts with users’ immediate interests and needs. Contextual targeting is a viable substitute for cookies, offering a privacy-compliant and effective strategy for reaching audiences in a post-cookie world.2. The Convergence of Brand and PerformanceAs advertising has become more digital, marketers have gotten more information on how ads perform in terms of short-term activities, from website visits and store traffic to sales. The sales promotion activity pushed brand building into the background. It is possible to manage branding and performance, or “brandformance. Marketers have been engaging in this practice implicitly. Still, the real distinction in mid-funnel strategy lies in understanding the audience, being intentional with creative, and optimizing the outcomes that nurture potential customers down the conversion funnel. This approach underscores the importance of a strategic blend in creative execution for maximum impact, continuously attracting new shoppers to fuel sales and ensuring that quality traffic is at the heart of product success.3. The Value of Brand Safety & Sustainability in Preserving the User ExperienceIn 2024, the digital landscape demands a heightened focus on quality user experiences, including enhanced ad experiences, robust privacy measures, ethical practices, and a staunch stance against fake news. Forming premium partnerships, using trusted third-party verification vendors, creating high-quality ads, and embracing contextual safety is imperative for user experience, brand safety, and revenue.4. The Power of AI-Powered MediaThe rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning in marketing is a full-scale revolution, with 80% of marketers already using AI in ad campaigns, and the global investment in AI across the ad market is expected to reach $107 billion by 2028. Brands now wield AI to forge deeper connections with customers, turning data into narratives and insights into strategies.Download Teads’ Tech Themes 2024 here

Diario de Hoy

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2024


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Roberto Stopello, showrunner y series developer de Netflix

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Natpe fortalece su propuesta como mercado con la incorporación de RealScreen Summit, dos mercados en uno, ambos a realizarse en la semana del 3 al 7 de febrero en el Hotel InterContinental de Miami. De esta manera, incrementa su propuesta de valor, al ofrecer un mayor acceso a distribuidores y compradores de EE UU y global, con el atractivo de nuevos contactos y negocios para el mercado latinoamericano. Otra ventana es que se distancia de Content Americas en el espacio de tiempo. Sobre estos temas habló en México José Luis Sánchez, gerente para Latinoamérica, EE UU y Global de Natpe Global, quien viajó a este país junto a César Díaz, en una cruzada de ventas y promoción del evento.

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