Snapchat speaks with Hollywood about the possibility of taking programs to their platform

Manuela Walfenzao| 18 de julio de 2016

Snapchat con Memories extiende el tiempo de los contenidos

Snapchat is trying to close deals with big Hollywood networks and studios to transform its section Discover. Publishers such as People, Cosmopolitan and Refinery29 already have their daily channels in the application that is now in conversations to include programs from the giants in the industry. The NFL is working jointly with Snapchat to launch its channel in the Discover section. The application has already contacted other sports leagues to offer them this space. Snapchat wants this section to evolve from their roots, where BuzzFeed and Cosmopolitan publish articles and web videos on a premium video space. Snapchat’s channel Good Luck America, which offers programs on the presidential elections and political news, is the example the company offers other communications media for them to have an idea of what they could do with their channels in the platform. Snapchat wants networks to generate original programming, including scripted content. Discover is undergoing a restructuring and publishers are expected to be able to include advertising in these channels, but that is yet to be confirmed. The question the industry now faces is how to monetize all those contents.

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