¡HOLA! TV: This year we increased to 700 the number of hours of original production

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| March 17, 2017

Adolfo Álvarez, the channel´s On-Air Programming VP

¡HOLA! TV increases to 700 the number of hours of original productions, and, among the new shows stands out La hora ¡HOLA!, a 90-minute space that is aired from Monday to Friday since last Monday, March 6, hosted by the Colombian Natasha Cheij.

Adolfo Álvarez, the channel´s On-Air Programming VP, said that in part the increase in the number of production hours is due to the fact that spaces like ¡HOLA! Fashion and HOLALA are passing from half hour to one hour. “With these changes more exclusive contents, behind cameras, interviews are coming,” said Álvarez.

Additionally, new episodes of the original show Íconos ¡HOLA! TV, dedicated to personalities such as Maite Perroni, Britney Spears, Valentino, Óscar de la Renta, Miguel Bosé, Cameron Díaz, Bárbara Mori and Beyoncé, among many others they will add throughout the semester. Another novelty is Un Nuevo Look Para Una Nueva Vida (60×60´), that is purchased content.

Regarding La Hora ¡HOLA!, Álvarez highlighted that the program is a new way to bring the channel´s viewers information, exclusives, interviews, the access that offers the brand ¡HOLA! “It is a new proposal to bring viewers that information they like about royalty, fashion, celebrities, but on this occasion, in an innovative format, with a versatile set,” he comments.

Diario de Hoy

jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2024


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