Teads and Outbrain Merge to Form Leading and Independent End-to-End Advertising Platform for the Open Internet

August 1, 2024

The combined company positions them as one of the top open internet advertising platforms in terms of size and scale

Teads announced their intent to merge with Outbrain, a category leader in performance advertising. “This marks a transformative milestone in Teads’ journey, which we couldn’t have achieved without your support and partnership. As a combined organization, we will open a world of new opportunities as we bring together two category leaders” said Bertrand Quesada, co-Founder and co-CEO, and Jeremy Arditi, co-CEO, both of Teads in a joint statement.

Both Teads and Outbrain are category leaders. Teads has excelled in building best-in-class omnichannel video, branding and mid-funnel capabilities, while Outbrain has built one of the most successful performance and outcomes platforms. Both companies also have long-standing partnerships with premium media owners and as a combined company, they will be even more equipped to support these partnerships. “Together, we will leverage all of these strengths to create an unparalleled advertising platform.”

Quesada and Arditi consider that brands need measurable outcomes beyond walled gardens, premium media owners need stronger partners, and consumers need more engaging experiences. “The combination is not only going to change the game for what we can achieve as a company — it’s going to open up new horizons of opportunity for our clients and partners. The combined company positions us as one of the top open internet advertising platforms in terms of size and scale.”

They believe that their capabilities will provide industry-leading benefits, such as the creation of one of the largest, direct supply paths across premium environments on the open internet and CTV, expected to reach over 2 billion monthly consumers at a global scale across 50+ combined markets; a combination of highly complementary expertise and product offerings joining Teads’ deep video and branding capabilities with Outbrain’s leading performance solutions, including a direct code-on-page and pixel-on-advertiser-site integrations will create an end-to-end solution that can continuously optimize outcomes; powerful suite of data capabilities, gathered from contextual, publisher environment, and advertiser performance signals — making over 1 billion predictions per second; a unique, innovative ad experiences built by creative studio teams, creating new opportunities to tell engaging brand stories across the open internet, such as full-page takeovers, story sequencing from CTV to digital, and more.

“With over 1.7 billion dollars in combined advertising spend and a global team across 50+ markets, we’re immensely excited to continue to build on the significant strengths of our companies” they explained.

“As we look ahead, together with Outbrain, we will be THE platform that delivers accountability, addressability in a future-facing way, and harnesses the rapid rise of AI and CTV across the open internet” they added.

They noted that there will be no immediate changes to their existing business. “We currently anticipate the closing date to be in Q1 2025. We look forward to sharing the full potential of this combined offering with you.”

Diario de Hoy

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2024


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