The call for Spanish Screenings on Tour 2024 is now open, to be held in the USA from November 5 to 10

August 2, 2024

Spanish Screenings on Tour will celebrate its third edition in Las Vegas, USA, during the American Film Market (AFM), taking place from November 5 to 10

Spanish Screenings on Tour, one of the pillars of Spanish Screenings XXL, which aims to reinforce Spain’s role as an audiovisual hub in Europe, will celebrate its third edition in Las Vegas, USA, during the American Film Market (AFM), taking place from November 5 to 10.

The call for Market Screenings and Next from Spain will be open until August 20, while the registration for projects and companies will be open until August 30.

Spanish Screenings XXL carries out itinerant actions to promote and sell Spanish audiovisual productions in strategic territories.

The American Film Market (AFM) is an international event for film acquisition, development, and networking, where distribution and financing deals worth over one billion dollars are made each year for completed films and those in various stages of development.

Thus, under the slogan “Spanish Audiovisual: Creativity, Diversity and Success,” activities at AFM will be grouped into six categories:

1. Spanish Animation Showcase: Call for Spanish animation projects, whether feature films or series, in the final stages of financing.

2. Spanish Fantastic Showcase: Call for Spanish fantasy, science fiction, or horror projects, either feature films or series (live-action), in the final stages of financing.

3. Spanish Remakes Showcase: Films with potential for adaptation. A day dedicated to this growing format in Spanish audiovisual sales, open to prominent international professionals accredited at AFM.

4. Spanish Producers Showcase: Presentation of a selection of companies with a proven track record in the market and extensive international experience.

5. Market Screenings: Space provided by AFM for screenings of Spanish productions. These exclusive sessions offer sales agents a strategic opportunity to showcase new films to international buyers. Detailed call and registration through the form on the ICEX website.

6. Next from Spain: Within the framework of AFM, Spanish sales agents will present screenings of trailers or teasers of their films in production, set to premiere in 2025. Detailed call and registration through the form on the ICEX website.

Spanish Screenings on Tour will also provide the Spanish industry with an exclusive space for meetings and networking activities. An online space will also be available on the platform spanishscreenings.online to give greater visibility to the films, series, and projects selected for Spanish Screenings on Tour.

The calls for content selection for Spanish Screenings on Tour at AFM 2024 are organized through the Malaga Festival, in its MAFIZ Industry area (www.mafiz.es) and ICEX Spain Export and Investment (www.icex.es).

Spanish Screenings on Tour has already held two editions: in 2022 at Ventana Sur (Buenos Aires) and in 2023 at MIA | Mercato Internazionale Audiovisivo (Rome).

Diario de Hoy

martes, 24 de septiembre de 2024


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Aniversario produ foto nota

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Roberto Stopello, showrunner y series developer de Netflix, conversó con Ríchard Izarra en #PRODUprimetime sobre los cinco años que estuvo en la plataforma como VP de Desarrollo para México, su último cargo, y la nueva posición en la que se encuentra, con un contrato de exclusividad para Netflix en el que escribe sus propias historias, al tiempo que puede pasar más tiempo con su familia.


Una de las posibilidades que brinda SMARTFILMS a los artistas audiovisuales es explorar diferentes roles. Desde hace mucho, Javier Ávila es un actor que ha trabajado tanto en televisión como en teatro. Más allá de eso, desde joven le ha gustado todo lo referente al proceso de realización: “Me defino como un chismoso que le gusta ver cómo el director marca las escenas, cómo el director de fotografía se encarga de la iluminación, cómo trabaja el asistente de dirección, y ver de reojo cómo se hace un plan de rodaje” aseguró.

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