S4 Capital’s Monks Appoints Linda Cronin as EVP, Media to Further Integrate AI Transformation into Media Offerings

August 12, 2024

As a veteran of media marketing's early days, Linda has long focused on embracing emerging technologies and trends, shaping them into innovative solutions for clients

Monks, the global, purely digital, data-driven, unitary operating brand of S4Capital plc., is thrilled to announce the appointment of Linda Cronin as the new EVP, Head of Media. The strategic leadership move reflects Monks’ mission to accelerate the industry-wide transition to AI-powered creative and technology. Under the company’s newly-simplified and strengthened offering, Linda will oversee Media globally, part of the Marketing services practice.

As a veteran of media marketing’s early days, Linda has long focused on embracing emerging technologies and trends, shaping them into innovative solutions for clients. A key focus as EVP, Media will be to leverage Monks’ deep tech partnerships and place at the forefront of the AI revolution to deliver innovative media solutions that benefit both its clients and empower its dedicated staff of digital-first media professionals.

“AI is rapidly transforming Media as a discipline, accelerating our ability to zero in on consumer needs and connect our clients’ brands with their most valuable audiences in a way that’s most relevant to them,” said Cronin. Her appointment comes at a pivotal moment for the industry, where Monks aims to integrate in-depth media, data, creative, and tech partnerships crucial for modern marketing solutions.

Earlier this year, Monks partnered with wellness brand Hatch to drive product sales with a personalized messaging strategy, implemented at scale with generative AI, resulting in a 78% increase in click-through-rate and a 46% increase in on-site engagement. The case was powered by Monks.Flow, the industry leading, AI-powered, intelligent marketing and workflow platform and was featured during the Google keynote presentation at the 2024 Cannes Lions Festival of Creativity.

“Linda brings the right experience and vision to lead our Media team at Monks,” said Bruno Lambertini, Co-CEO, Marketing Services at Monks. “With focus on unification across the organization, Linda will further our mission to develop industry-leading solutions that optimize, augment and transform our clients’ multi-channel consumer experiences.”

Linda’s hire marks an important milestone following the company’s newly simplified offering across two fully synchronized practices: Marketing services and Technology services. In her new role, Linda will lead the media capability, which sits within the company’s Marketing services practice. In addition to media, the Marketing services practice encompasses creative, content, organic social and data-driven marketing solutions. Cronin and her team will work in close collaboration with the Technology services practice which concentrates on the company’s technology, user experience, product engineering, data, digital transformation and consulting services.

Diario de Hoy

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