Prime Video: Colombia enables us to provide localized, differentiated and authentic content

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| August 17, 2024

Camila Misas, Head of Local Originals for Chile, Colombia, and Argentina at Prime Video

Camila Misas, Head of Local Originals for Chile, Colombia, and Argentina at Prime Video, notes that the local content they’ve developed “has resonated strongly with global audiences, thanks to its authenticity, high production quality, and Colombia’s growing reputation within the audiovisual industry.”

“Colombia’s numerous international accolades, its talented pool of actors who have elevated the country’s reputation worldwide, and its robust infrastructure that has made it a sought-after destination for filming movies and series, both locally and internationally, have all contributed to its success,” Misas said.

She indicates that they have done important work to incorporate more and more local productions into the company’s catalog, which has allowed them to offer “differential and authentic” localized content.

She noted that they’ve made significant strides in incorporating more and more local productions into the company’s catalog, enabling them to offer “unique and authentic” localized content.


When asked what sets Colombian narratives apart from those in the region, Misas highlighted the unique qualities that often characterize Colombian stories. These include explorations of local traditions, authentic portrayals of ethnic and musical diversity, biodiversity, natural landscapes, and the rich tapestry of regional dialects and expressions with their distinctive linguistic characteristics. “These elements contribute to the originality and relatability of Colombian content, both locally and globally.”

She also praised the high-quality work of local talent, both in front of and behind the camera, and the diverse range of themes and cultural elements showcased in each production.

When asked about the main themes explored in Colombian entertainment content, Misas highlighted the diverse range of topics covered, from comedies featuring male protagonists navigating the ups and downs of love, as seen in “Primate” and “Manes,” to the exploration of female empowerment in “A Grito Herida,” and stories based on real events told from the perspective of their protagonists, such as the documentary “Operación Esperanza: Los niños perdidos en el Amazonas.”

“In general, Colombian content explores a diverse range of topics, reflecting both contemporary social realities and the country’s cultural heritage. This content consistently demonstrates the high-quality standards and unique perspective that local talent brings to the table,” she said.

Another Colombian project she highlighted was the series “Los Bilis.” According to internal metrics, a significant portion of the audience not only began watching this series but also completed it. “This indicates a deep connection with the story and the characters, something we value immensely,” Misas stated. She also mentioned “Noticia de Un Secuestro” and “A Grito Herida,” which were among the first series produced for the platform in Colombia, during the challenging times of the pandemic and social unrest. “Despite these obstacles, we successfully completed filming without interruptions and achieved excellent results,” she added.


Misas noted that they have formed various alliances with Colombian creatives, including financing and distributing original series and films. However, she emphasized that one of the most solidified partnerships to strengthen local content has been their collaboration with Colombian producers. “These producers have been making significant strides, developing innovative projects and creating high-quality content that has resonated with our audiences, both locally and globally,” Misas added.

As an example, she cited “Betty la Fea: La Historia Continua,” a production by Estudios RCN for Prime Video. “This series has achieved the distinction of being the most globally watched Latin American title in the history of Prime Video.”

“These alliances are crucial for the internationalization of Colombian content, enabling local talent and stories to reach a global audience,” Misas added.


Misas noted that one of the primary challenges in the global entertainment market, for both Colombian and international storytellers, is the overwhelming demand for proposals and offers, leading to intense competition with creators from other regions. “Additionally, cultural barriers can sometimes hinder the adaptation of stories for international audiences,” she explained. “Limited resources and financing can also pose challenges in the production and promotion of projects.”

Misas commented that one of the main challenges in the global entertainment market, both for Colombian storytellers and those from anywhere else, may be the high demand for proposals and offers that are currently being presented, generating intense competition with creators from other regions. “To that, we can add the cultural barriers that sometimes make it difficult to adapt stories to international audiences, or face limitations with resources and financing, which can affect the production and promotion of projects.”

Prime Video has always valued and supported creativity, diversity, and authenticity, regardless of the source, Misas emphasized. “As an entertainment platform, we are committed to providing diverse opportunities for you to tell your own stories,” she added.

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