WAPA TV: Super Chef Celebrities is a versatile format that can be adapted to any market and maximizes revenue

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| August 17, 2024

Jimmy Arteaga, Hemisphere's Chief Content Officer and President of Programming, Production, and Promotion at WAPA TV

The first season of the original Super Chef Celebrities format on WAPA Television in Puerto Rico was highly successful. The show has already attracted interest from two countries in the region looking to adapt it.

Jimmy Arteaga, Hemisphere’s Chief Content Officer and President of Programming, Production, and Promotion at WAPA TV, told PRODU that their goal was to develop a format adaptable to any channel for local production. “Today, open television demands short or medium-length productions with a strong return on investment,” he explained. “Ultimately, it’s about profitability. A project can be exceptional, ambitious, and full of challenges, but without sales, it fails. This format is designed to maximize revenue. That’s the key. Production restrictions are minimal and can be tailored to each market’s specific needs.”

He noted that compared to other programs, Super Chef Celebrities is significantly less expensive due to our unique financial model. “The beauty of this format is its scalability and ease of implementation for any channel. Essentially, they only need to provide a producer, talent, and judges. Our core team is already in place, ready to adapt to any market. A local producer is crucial for capturing the nuances of language and culture, but the overall process is streamlined.”

Arteaga emphasizes that this show represents a significant achievement for Hemisphere Media Group and WAPA TV, especially considering the challenging market conditions with declining advertising revenue. “They took a risk, and it paid off tremendously.”

He commented that the first edition of Super Chef Celebrities featured an extraordinary group of contestants. “The show was a consistent ratings leader throughout its run and culminated in a spectacular finale. It became the most-watched program in Puerto Rican television history.”


WAPA TV has a strong history of original programming, with about 45% of its content being self-produced. However, they were seeking a new and compelling reality format. Arteaga recalls that for several years they produced Guerreros, an adaptation of Peru’s Esto es Guerra. While Guerreros has concluded its run for now, they haven’t ruled out bringing it back in the future.

He indicated that studies conducted in Puerto Rico revealed a need for a format like Super Chef Celebrities.

The producer is Argentinean Aníbal Fernández, with whom Arteaga has collaborated since 2017. “He’s an exceptional professional with a keen understanding of what’s needed. Our combined expertise led to the creation of the product, and with his talented production team, predominantly women, we’ve achieved a successful program.”

The show is produced in WAPA TV’s large Puerto Rico studio, which was converted into a massive cooking center. “We decided to feature celebrities from all walks of life, including many digital influencers,” Arteaga explained.


WAPA TV has already confirmed a second season of the show, set to begin filming in the coming months and airing later this year.

The first season consisted of 50 ninety-minute episodes, culminating in two two-hour finales. Pre-production commenced in January 2024, with the show premiering on May 20 or 21. The kitchen and supermarket sets were entirely custom-designed. Econo Supermarkets of Puerto Rico sponsored the show’s supermarket, becoming involved at the concept stage, according to Arteaga. In addition to Econo as the primary sponsor, NUC University, offering Culinary Arts programs, was also an advertiser. “The program sold itself from day one, which is the kind of content we believe channels should focus on today,” Arteaga concluded.

Approximately 30 to 32 people are involved in the show’s production and technical crew, excluding judges, the host, and contestants. Arteaga mentioned that the episode count is flexible, depending on the client’s requirements.

According to Arteaga, the main challenge for the second season will be to replicate the charisma of the first group of contestants who captured the audience’s hearts.

Participants of the first season

“We created a family-friendly program that’s incredibly fun. The contestants got along well, and while it was always a competition, there was also a strong sense of teamwork,” he said.

The show’s trio of judges, all acclaimed Puerto Rican chefs, along with the host, will return for the second season. “We’ve been holding back some ideas to ensure each season offers something new to attract more viewers and retain our current audience,” he said.


Arteaga extended an invitation to anyone curious about the Super Chef Celebrities production set and format to visit WAPA TV. “I welcome anyone interested in seeing the studio firsthand. We can adapt the format to suit the needs of each market,” he said.

The channel’s largest studio is dedicated to the show’s set

He added that they have currently established a production hub. “Puerto Rico is a fantastic location: it’s a hub for film and television production, boasting numerous studios thanks to generous incentives. We believe we’ve created a hub where any country can come to produce content. Costs are low, production quality is high, and the overall look is excellent, with all necessary infrastructure in place. We offer a compelling alternative at this time. Coupled with Puerto Rico’s tax benefits, we provide an ideal environment for those seeking to produce a cooking show,” he concluded.

Promo of Super Chef Celebrities

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