El Reino Infantil and YouTube Kids launch English version of the campaign focused on child safety on the Internet

27 de agosto de 2024

La Granja de Zenón is one of the most recognized properties of El Reino Infantil

El Reino Infantil, by Leader Entertainment, and YouTube Kids, by Google, launched the English version of the educational campaign Bartolito’s Awesome Internet Adventures on August 15, following the success of its Spanish version titled Las Aventuras de Bartolito en Internet, which premiered last February.

The project is available on both platforms and will be part of the featured content on the YouTube Kids app in English, to continue to provide quality and valuable content for families worldwide.

El Reino Infantil, known for its educational and safe content, once again features Bartolito, Lola the Cow, and Beto the Wolf from its most popular series La Granja de Zenón to address the important issue of safety in the digital world.

The campaign consists of five capsules in English, offering practical advice and tools for children and their families to navigate the internet safely and responsibly. It is linked to one of the pillars of Google’s ‘Be Internet Awesome’ program. Additionally, it is part of the online space *Sé Genial en Internet*, which helps children explore the digital world safely and confidently.

“We are happy to have been chosen by YouTube Kids earlier this year to continue adding content and working closely, reaching families worldwide. After the success of Las Aventuras de Bartolito en Internet in Spanish, which has more than 24 million views and over 300 hours of viewing time in Latin America, leading in Mexico, Argentina, Peru, and Colombia in just six months, we are adding Bartolito’s Awesome Internet Adventures to continue promoting the valuable message of teaching children how to navigate online safely,” explained Roberto “Kuky” Pumar, CEO of Leader Entertainment.

“This initiative reinforces our commitment to keeping the YouTube community safe and providing a viewing experience tailored to the interests of young children. With this series, we aim to bring family-friendly content with a clear and entertaining message, helping children explore the digital world safely and enjoyably. On this journey, El Reino Infantil was an ideal partner to reach young audiences and speak in their language through beloved characters,” added Karina Szmulewicz, Strategic Partnerships Manager for YouTube Family & Learning.

The scripts for the videos were supervised by Belén Igarzábal, a doctor in Social Sciences and researcher at FLACSO Argentina (Faculty of Social Sciences of Latin America), who provided educational insights from the beginning of the project, also contributed to the adaptation of the concepts from Be Internet Awesome.

El Reino Infantil, a channel that joined YouTube in 2011, is now the #1 Spanish-speaking channel for children, with over 65 million subscribers.

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