Comscore: With 51 million users, connected TV is mainstream in Mexico

Aliana González| 13 de noviembre de 2024

Iván Marchant presented some data from the study at Advertising Week LatAm

Iván Marchant, VP of Comscore LatAm, and Fabiola García Salgado, Ad Marketing Country Lead in Mexico for Roku, presented preliminary data on the 2024 edition of the connected TV study for Latin America and discussed key streaming trends during Advertising Week LatAm.

He stated that Mexico now has 51 million connected TV (CTV) viewers. While they estimated 35 million in 2022, the addition of 16 million more viewers has transformed CTV into a mass medium. “We can no longer consider CTV a niche market,” he emphasized. This means that 65% of Mexican internet users are now streaming content.

The Comscore study on Connected TV, OTT, and Addressable Advertising in Latin America indicates a significant surge in AVOD and FAST adoption. “A substantial portion of Mexico’s streaming audience previously relied on subscription-based services. However, we’re witnessing a shift, with ad-supported content like VOD, FAST, and hybrid offerings from certain operators now surpassing premium subscriptions in terms of viewership. This is a stark contrast to the situation two years ago,” explained Marchant.

This year, an additional 4 million people have expressed willingness to watch relevant, interesting ads.

Mexican TV streamers utilize a variety of devices, with Smart TVs being the most popular at 95%. Video game consoles (64%), streaming sticks (48% and 41%), and set-top boxes with CTV apps follow closely behind. “A surprising 16% of Mexican households consume CTV content simultaneously on all four devices,” Marchant noted. While Smart TVs are the primary viewing device, video consumption extends across various platforms. “The television screen remains the dominant choice, and the affordability of acquiring a Smart TV has significantly contributed to this growth.” Additionally, smartphones, computers, and tablets are commonly used for video viewing.

Fifty-one percent of respondents believe that watching CTV in the living room provides the optimal experience for enjoying movies and series. “There’s a noticeable increase in co-viewing, where people watch streaming content together. Nearly 90% of respondents stated that they watch content with others,” said Marchant, highlighting the potential for reaching a wider audience with the same advertising.

Another significant finding is that 20% of CTV streamers haven’t watched traditional television in the past month.

The most-watched content categories in the past month were movies (94%), series (86%), sports (48%), and music videos (47%). Additionally, there has been a notable increase in news consumption (46% in 2024 compared to 44% in 2023) and local live programs (25%).

He stated that the average Mexican viewer spends over four hours daily consuming content on CTV. “Primetime (7 PM to 12 AM) is the peak viewing period, with 65% watching movies, 52% watching series, 23% watching sports, 22% watching music and concerts, and 13% watching news. However, viewers are active throughout the day, with some tuning in during the afternoon (12 PM to 7 PM) and even late at night. The notion that CTV lacks a primetime is no longer valid.”

Fifty-four percent of the population, or approximately 27 million people, are receptive to targeted advertising if the content quality is high. He emphasized that CTV advertising can effectively influence consumer behavior, from prompting research and brand discussions to driving purchases.

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