3Pas Studios: Radical is a drama seeking to raise awareness about education in LatAm

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| October 13, 2023

Eugenio Derbez 3Pas

Education in Mexico and Latin America worries Eugenio Derbez, so he decided to embed in the new film he stars in and produces, Radical, a message to drive an evolution in the educational system in the region and the world. The film premieres on October 19 in Mexican movie theaters and in the US on November 3; afterward, it will be available on the ViX platform. It is a production of 3Pas Studios, distributed by Videocine.

“Now that I am working outside of Mexico, I made it my goal to change the image of Latinos in the US, where they cast us for characters of gang members, murderers, or drug traffickers. The idea of making this film was never political, nor to blame anyone. We wanted to focus on making an inspiring story about a Mexican who, with ingenuity, without resources, and in the face of adversity, moves forward. I hope this project opens a debate and creates awareness since we must make many changes in education, and that is why I decided to take a different path in the topics of my films,” he explained.

The co-founder of the production house 3Pas Studios assured that, even though comedy is the genre with which he ventured into acting and production, it is in drama where he wants to open more opportunities. “I love comedy. I still believe it is more difficult to make people laugh than cry. This genre is, somehow, punished, and that is why many comedians end up doing drama, which, in the end, you realize gives you status and respect in this industry.”

He added that he realized that his career had to evolve, “I do not plan to leave comedy, but I must broaden my horizon, taking the audience to a new three-dimensional experience, making it become something that triggers conversation and making contents with deeper themes, is the only way to achieve it.”

The international recognition of Derbez’s films in festivals such as Sundance allows him to validate his work, promote his career, and be taken more seriously. “I can’t always have a well-made film in my hands, and I hope these awards open the way for what is to come.”

Finally, he confirmed his support to the actors and writers strike in the US, in which he participated and had to request special permission to promote Radical. He added that one of the issues that triggered this movement was artificial intelligence. “We are barely understanding [AI], and we have to back off a little because there will come a point where it can be dangerous.”

The film, directed by Christopher Zalla, is based on a true story about the students of the José Urbina López Elementary School in Matamoros, evaluated as the worst students in Mexico; they live surrounded by difficulties, and there are no opportunities in the classrooms for them. However, when a new teacher (Eugenio Derbez) arrives with a radically different method, the students learn to believe in themselves and unleash their potential.

It features Eugenio Derbez, Gilberto Barraza, Daniel Haddad, and Jennifer Trejo, who attended the press conference, including Professor Sergio Correa and Paloma Noyola, on whom this story is inspired.

Watch the trailer of Radical

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