Nearly 59.9 million homes in Latin America share pay-TV services with OTT, almost twice the population of Korea, commented Christian Peralta, Chief Customer Officer at BB during his talk Del Caos a la Luz. Hacia Dónde Va el Mercado de la TV en la Convergencia de Servicios Al Hogar (From Chaos to Light. Where the TV market is heading in the Convergence of home Services), in the context of the BB Media Day 2020, celebrated in the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables.
Peralta highlighted that there are four elements that came to stay after the start of the disruption created by OTTs. The first is the 360º vision, “we have to see what is happening in the two markets: in OTT and in traditional TV. When looking at Latin America and combining these two variables, we see that those who just have pay-TV are decreasing, but people who have pay-TV and OTTs grew 5%, and those who just have OTT grew 15%,” he said.
The second element is that it is necessary to see and cater to all the verticals (here Peralta mentioned Octaplay and that clients want to be offered integrated solutions). “With this, I see what the retention offer is and where I am losing subscribers and why am I achieving client satisfaction in each one of the verticals?” he commented.
The third element is the user experience: interfaces, what he values.
The fourth variable mentioned by Peralta was that the user`s wallet rules. “It is necessary to be cautious about prices, raising the content offer, new technologies to be able to compete in equal conditions and decrease the percentage that represents minimum salary,” he explained and mentioned that in Argentina, average pay-TV services represent 13% of the minimum salary (around US$45).