Accessing data, the big paradigm change in media

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| November 3, 2020

Webinar PRODU 28102020

Access to people’s data, paired with adequate analysis, that enables us to improve audiences´ relationships with platforms, brands, and services is the big paradigm change in media.

Roberto Pumar, CEO of Leader Entertainment Group, who transformed his record seal into a media that handles channels on YouTube, including El Reino Infantil (number one channel in Spanish), commented: “We handle 80 million daily visits, 117 million subscribers, we have a global community. We did all of this from a small office and without angel investments, simply generating contents, getting it right, and reading data”.

Ezequiel Arslanian, Managing Director Accenture Interactive Hispanic América, highlighted the need to balance data and intuition. “For 50 years, the industry was managed by intuition and guts, the world became a performance and we were led to pure data and science. I think we need to go to a more mixed place that recovers what you feel, think, and go through, and use data to validate or not those hypotheses and lower the error margin”.

In that same line, Pablo Mancuso, president of Acción Group, commented: “If everything were big data, companies with big processing capability, such as Google or Facebook, would have no error margin. On the other hand, Quibi, the platform for millennials and generation Z led by old-school Hollywood executives, closed barely five months after their launch. In that case, there was great intuition and little data”.

Watch PRODU Webinar Paths to the New Media Model

Diario de Hoy

jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2024


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