Accion Group: 2023 and 2024 are going to be pivotal years to define which model is viable in the industry

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 10 de marzo de 2023

Pablo Mancuso de Action Group

One of the speakers at Andina Link 2023 was Pablo Mancuso, president of Accion Group, a media company expert in providing and distributing content and entertainment to the television industry. The Argentine executive was one on the panel ‘Present and future of the audiovisual sector in Latin America’ where he shared his vision of the business of digital platforms in the content industry.

For Mancuso, the platforms are not going to die but will need to reinvent themselves and be very flexible in their business models. “There is great pressure in order to avoid, at least, losing money and generating income. I think that 2023 and 2024 are going to be pivotal years to define which model is viable in the industry,” he said.

He explained that pay television has advantages because of its decades of experience in the business: “Pay TV has a very well-defined and proven playbook that at least financially works, so many of its strategies are adapting to current technology such as FAST channels. It is a bit of picking up what we already knew.”

For Mancuso, right now the big digital platforms’ players are rethinking the business model and seeking ways to be profitable such as reducing costs by making less content, or stop making simultaneous premieres, or test new ways of promotion, or maybe all of the above, adding other alternatives.

He said that in Acción Group they have extensive knowledge about the current market situation and they want to share it at Andina Link with potential clients. “Our clients can be gamers who want to venture into the world of video, video gamers who want to optimize or expand their products or develop new strategies. Any content in need of distribution. Basically, we’re offering high-level consulting to support businesses on video.”

View digital PRODU magazine Andina Link 2023

Diario de Hoy

lunes, 10 de marzo de 2025


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A tan solo una semana de su estreno en Netflix, Contraataque es la película número uno en 30 países, incluyendo Suiza, Luxemburgo, Portugal, Líbano, Brasil y Argentina, además de estar dentro del top 10 en 80 países, con 18.6 millones de visualizaciones.
