Advertising Week LatAm pulled off its first Upfront

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| 8 de marzo de 2023

UpFront AWLATAM 2023

Advertising Week LatAm convened on March the 1st the most important companies in the marketing industry where senior executives from NBCUniversal, Google, TV Azteca, MediaMath, Spotify, Buzzfeed, Huawei, and Mercado Ads, among others, attended.

The most important event in the marketing industry in LatAm with more than 40,000 attendees since its inception, both face-to-face and virtual, this year returns stronger than ever celebrating its fifth anniversary, with great projects focused on adapting to change, digital acceleration, and innovative business models to forge something new.

“2023 marks the fifth anniversary of Advertising Week LatAm in Mexico City at the Papalote Museo del Niño. To celebrate this achievement, we’re kicking off editorial and podcast initiatives throughout the year along with events highlighting great accomplishments in advertising to culminate with our flagship year-end event designed to bring together the marketing, media, technology and creativity industries to promote change. Our unrivaled content, with skill-building presentations, inspiring keynotes and thought-provoking discussions, aims to provide attendees with the tools and insights that elevate their careers,” said Douglas Rowell, Founding President of Advertising Week LatAm.

For this year the new projects are:

Podcast launch

In less than three years the number of listeners to podcasts around the world has increased by 70% and Advertising Week LatAm did not hesitate to announce together with Troop the launching of their own podcast “Memorable”, available from March 27 on Spotify, Amazon Music, Apple Podcast and YouTube platforms.

“In 2023, everyone is aware of the contribution of a format such as a podcast to any community, a much deeper space to discuss and talk about important issues than what the Internet has us used to. Advertising Week LatAm together with Troop and COLOüRS joins this effort to offer these important conversations with the most relevant personalities to the entire marketing and business community in Latin America and thereby contribute to the growth, confidence, and professionalization of the marketing industry in the region”, he expressed.

The second edition of the Advertising Week LatAm Leadership Forum

The return of the Leadership Forum in collaboration with Líderes Mexicanos magazine on April 27, where the 25 Most Influential Marketing Leaders in Latin America will be awarded, an effort that recognizes the most outstanding men and women in the industry.

This strategic alliance between Líderes Mexicanos magazine and Advertising Week promotes industry leaders who have managed to build high-impact leadership in their sectors and organizations, and with editorial criteria that guarantee the participation of industry leaders, between marketing directors, CEOs, creative directors, directors of media agencies and publishers, ensuring the diversity of proposals.

Advertising Week LatAm 2023 will take place between October 31 and November 2

Advertising Week LatAm, presented by Pluto TV, returns stronger than ever celebrating its fifth anniversary in Mexico City from October 31 to November 2, where attendees from all of Latin America (Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, and Peru, among others) are expected. Its main purpose is to connect people with intellectual leaders, experts, ideas, networks, resources, and opportunities to enhance their businesses, and careers and explore future solutions together. Like every year, the event will feature a program packed with sessions and workshops, unique brand activations, and the opportunity to learn from the biggest names in the industry within today’s leading companies, such as Mercado Ads, Amazon Advertising, and Pluto. TV.

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