A+E Networks LatAm: With TA+ advertisers are able to change plans immediately based on real results

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| November 3, 2021

AE Daniela Martinez

Already several media agencies and advertisers are using Total Audience Plus (TA+), according to Miriam Ríos, director of Revenue User Intelligence Research Mexico at A+E Networks. Among them, she mentioned to PRODU, are Grupo OMG, Group M, and soon Dentsu and brands such as Henkel, Genoma Lab, and Colgate, which is about to join. TA+ is the new A+E Networks tool that allows users to measure the real audience of all the advertising campaigns that run within the company’s ecosystem and thus identify the impact and total audience reached.

“We are very satisfied because the tool has been well received. It has been challenging because all these players also made very intelligent considerations that lead to a professionalization of the industry,” she highlighted.

Daniela Martínez, SVP of Advertising Sales and Corporate Strategy, also considers that this tool will help in professionalization.

“We are fortunate, truly blessed, to be in a company that believes in investing to improve measurements, to enhance the way of making plans, of creating content, which is actually challenging at the moment in which we’re living. We are offering a tool that allows changing plans along the way based on results available immediately. There is no need to wait for the campaign to conclude at the end of the month, every week conversations are taking place, also adjustments such as increasing the investment in certain parts. This means more effectiveness in what is done. That is the great achievement of all this,” she explained.

For Karen Argüelles, Aleph Consulting’s Chief of Data Science, not only effectiveness is gained, but also agility.

Regarding the current situation of the company, Martínez said A+E Networks is no longer pay-TV, but a content brand and that is what they are focused on, and this tool is used for everything in a holistic way, in order to deliver results both internally and externally about the presence of the brand on all platforms (social networks, YouTube, pay-TV, on-demand).

“For us, these are opportunities with our partners and affiliates. It has been a great opportunity and it will continue to be so. This platform is still a player, it continues to be updated, but there are also new ones where the consumer looks for us. The only difference is in the environments, the interactions, but we are in all of them and we want to continue doing so,” she said.

This product is open to the entire industry and Martínez announced that there are already conversations with an open TV channel, but they do not rule out adding other companies.

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