A+E Networks: ¿Y Tú, Tú Qué Vas a Hacer? hosted by Arap Bethke meets History 2’s entertainment and education KPIs

Vanessa Maldonado| 20 de marzo de 2024

Arap Bethke, host;  Juan José Álvares Brunel, Secretary of Tourism of Guanajuato and, Jaime Guerra, general manager at A+E Networks, during the presentation

A+E Networks, through its channel History 2, presented the series ¿Y Tú, Tú Qué Vas a Hacer?, a production by TV4 in Guanajuato and hosted by Arap Bethke, who visited 22 unique destinations in this state of the Mexican Republic. The series aims to promote the history, culture, and tourism of these locations and to become one of the strongest local bets on the international channel.

“We have opportunities all the time, but we offer content that makes sense for our audience, and when we saw this opportunity, we analyzed if it had the culinary, cultural, and tourist elements we needed, including entertainment. In this sense, the organic part of Arap meets the KPIs of our channel, which have to do with entertainment and education. This content has a surprise factor absent in any other show about the state of Guanajuato: its magical corners,” explained Jaime Guerra, general manager at A+E Networks.

For Rodolfo Murillo, government liaison coordinator of TV4, this was a collaborative work between the Ministry of Tourism and state television. “Nearly US$476 thousand were allocated [for the series], in addition to the technical and human team at the television station. They did the plot and the production, which helped us ensure that these 26 50-minute chapters were covered by the budget.”

Guerra highlighted that the production quality – a key element of History productions – was another point in favor of the alliance. “We cannot associate with content that does not meet minimum requirements, and here they far exceed them; that makes our work easier. In History 2, we have programs about the Russian War or the pharaohs of Egypt, always aiming at education and topics of interest, and now it will be about Guanajuato, which is incredible. We are the platform to continue doing these projects.”

In addition to being the protagonist of this content, which was part of TV4 during its first season and will now also be in History 2, Arap Bethke said that his participation in its creation grew from one season to another: “In the first one it was more limited because we barely knew each other and in the second I got more involved in production, all the audiovisual promotion, and behind the scenes because I have always been interested in that, and that is why we want this to grow and be replicated in other states of the Mexican Republic.”

Regarding History’s participation in the production of ¿Y Tú, Tú Qué Vas a Hacer? Guerra added: “On this occasion, we are an amplifier of the content, which is closely associated with the KPIs of our channel, and from there a platform and continue producing subsequent seasons, which complement our Latin American content with certain touches of reality. Having Mexican content for local audiences meets the objectives, and giving it international dissemination consolidates it.”

¿Y Tú, Tú Qué Vas a Hacer?  is a series of 12 chapters seeking to awaken the interest of knowing the destinations of the state of Guanajuato, where visiting the best-known places, the not-so-well-known and untraditional ones promote a sustainable lifestyle, and at the same time tourism, adventure, romance, business, and routes.

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