Fetish, an erotic drama film that recently premiered in Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, is distributed by Spanglish Movies of Gustavo Aparicio and Arturo Chávez, DelArt Distribution.
The film, written and directed by Mexican Alexa Makky and produced by Chain Reaction Studios, “is currently in movie theaters of Cinépolis and Cinemark with a very high box office of Central American audiences. This opened up distribution possibilities for us in Mexico, Colombia, Germany and Spain,” said Makky.
The producer was Joaquín Rodríguez and the executive producers, Saleem Elmasri and André Cepeda. As co-producers, Edward Slominski and Ron Green.
“Fetish is a new version of a movie I made in 2015 called Decadencia and that we distributed in 42 countries. In some countries it was called Shades of Decadence, because it was compared to Fifty Shades of Grey,” she recalled. Adding that at the time she made the first version, she had not yet decided to “come out.”
She then decided to make a new cut and record new scenes, edit everything, change the color, the music and in January 2020 she finished it and the pandemic stroke. “I uploaded it in a private YouTube league without posting, to ask for feedback,” said Makky. After that she was shocked when in July 2022 she checked the link and realized it had over 1 million views with 87% completed. “It was amazing that in a league with no advertising and no promotions, we got to those numbers.”
The film, starring Colombians Nataly Umaña and Alejandro Estrada, revolves around Oskar Pratz, a young, brilliant and handsome businessman who, beneath his perfect image, hides a psychopath with a powerful fetish. While Anabel, a beautiful young woman who manages to live with her modest job, is optimistic, adventurous and looking for love. Not long after meeting Oskar, the manipulation begins and Anabel easily falls for his sexual fantasies and fetishes.
“It is not the story of my life, but it is a story very close to me. I believe the most important thing was sending the message of being oneself, of how toxic and dangerous repressed emotions are, because they often come out in very ugly ways. Highlighting the point of view of women -especially in Latin America- with the double standards that exist, is perhaps one of the heaviest messages, together with the manipulation and the repressed part,” commented Makky.
Watch the trailer