Argentine producer Hernán Salama is developing a big project focused on a sports celebrity and exploring streaming opportunities

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| November 3, 2023

Hernan Salama

Hernán Salama is a prominent figure in the Argentine television industry, particularly in post-production. He is considered an artist behind the camera, and his work is celebrated for his enormous creative contributions and for setting quality standards.

Throughout his career, he has been responsible for the intricate workflows of some of the most iconic shows on Argentine TV, such as Popstars, Chiquititas, Susana Giménez, and the international show The Amazing Race. These programs have not only been great successes with audiences but have also earned him important recognitions from the industry such as Martín Fierro and Emmy.

Currently, Salama is working on “an exciting big project” focused on the life of a global sports celebrity. “Although I cannot reveal too many details at this time, I can say that it is a very important international co-production,” he said.

He also announced that they are exploring new opportunities in streaming and creating “attractive and relevant content for new audiences” through Scarpetta Media, a production company he founded with his partner and friend, Jonathan Wul.

For Salama, streaming has had a transformative impact on the content industry. “It has changed how we consume shows and movies, giving us the flexibility to watch what we want when we want. In return, this has increased the demand for original and diverse content, which, in turn, has opened opportunities for creators and producers. At the same time, streaming has challenged traditional distribution models and has forced media outlets to adapt to this new digital era to remain relevant and competitive.”

Asked about his beginnings in the industry, Salama said he took his first steps in the industry in 1998 as a Post-production assistant on a program called Versus, broadcast on Telefe. “It was hosted by Iván de Pineda, Jimena Cyrulnik, and Tommy Dunster with the special participation of Valeria Mazza. Since then, I knew the media was my passion and destiny,” he said.

“I have had the privilege of working with some of the most prominent personalities of Argentine TV, such as Gustavo Yankelevich as part of his production company RGB Entertainment for almost a decade, and with Cris Morena, for whom I directed the post-production of Chiquititas and Casi Ángeles,” he pointed out.

Salama considers that the content industry is experiencing an exciting and challenging moment. “We are experiencing a revolution in how content is created, distributed, and consumed. Digitization and the rise of streaming have democratized access to content production, allowing new voices and perspectives to reach audiences as never imagined. However, we also face challenges in terms of market saturation and changes in traditional business models.”

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