Association of Galician Entrepreneurs in Catalonia recognizes Carlos Vasallo as a synonym of prestige and good faith

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| July 14, 2017

Carlos Vasallo, president and co-owner of America CV Network and president & CEO of Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar

During the thirteenth annual gala of the Asociación de Empresarios Gallegos in Catalonia (AEGA-CAT), Carlos Vasallo, CEO of America CV Network and América TeVé; President of Cine Nostalgia and Cine Estelar in the US, was introduced as a man whose name is a synonym of prestige and good faith, upon receiving the Título de Excelencia Gallega. The association, created in 1989 by Julio Fernández, who was also the host of more than 250 guests, said he knew Vasallo for more than 30 years: “I would say Carlos is precisely one of those Gallegos we could consider universal, who have been prophets in their own land, in this case, Spain, but also in countries such as Mexico, or like today, in the US. I admire him very much and his path almost seems like taken from a novel.”

Several Friends from Galicia, the US, Mexico, Colombia, and Venezuela accompanied him to receive his award, and expressed that he is a man of a good heart, committed, and at the same time strong and determined, a visionary.

“He has been a director, producer, and scriptwriter. He is a very complete man in the entertainment industry,” mentioned José Manuel Brandariz, President of Beverly Hills Entertainment.

“I am very proud his company carries the brand of Galicia in his company, his work, and his life,” said Alberto Núñez Feijóo, president of the Xunta de Galicia.

During the acknowledgment, Vasallo said: “I am very pleased to know that here today all these successful people from Galicia are present and that they are able to devote time and efforts to the Galicians like me who are all over the world and give us these awards.”

Diario de Hoy (15)