Azteca America presents multi-pronged campaign to support immigration reform

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| February 14, 2013

America and Fundación Azteca America, Grupo Salinas organizations, present a wide ranging campaign of action and events to support comprehensive immigration reform. The campaign includes an intensive on-air series of public service announcements that encourage people to voice support for immigration reform to their representatives in Congress. The announcements, with the theme of I too am America, refer viewers to sources to indentify and contact their members of Congress. The television campaign is supported by a web-based campaign at {www.fundacionaztecaamerica.org} and printed informational material that is distributed at promotional events of Azteca America affiliated stations throughout the country.The information is added to a program of regional forums that will be held throughout the country in coming months. “After some tough lessons from voters, there seems to finally be a political climate in Washington that supports immigration reform. We warmly welcome this initiative that we have strongly supported since the start of Azteca America,” said Luis J. Echarte, chairman of Fundación Azteca America and the Azteca America television network.