Azteca’s Ricardo Salinas writes about the partnership value between the U.S. and Latin America in The Miami Herald

November 30, 2012

Ricardo Salinas, owner of Azteca

Ricardo Salinas, owner of Azteca, the Mexican electronics retailer Grupo Electra and Banco Azteca, has released a piece on The Miami Herald highlighting the partnership value between the U.S. and Latin America. “Tremendous and largely untapped opportunity exists for greater partnerships among companies and workers — as well as government cooperation — throughout the Americas,” he wrote. “Latin consumers and business leaders welcome United States leadership, ideas and innovation. And while many U.S. companies seem to dream of conquering China’s consumers, Latin America is culturally and geographically closer and the economic opportunity is massive. The right tools — thriving democracies, sound economic governance and a growing middle class — are in place to sustain progress and promote prosperity”. Salinas went on to mention some of the positive economic news streaming out of Latin America including IMF’s forecast of regional growth between 4 and 5 percent, a closing gap between the rich and the poor, and lows in poverty and unemployment rates. The partnerships can begin with stronger commercial ties with Mexico, he said, which is the U.S.’s most significant trade and investment associate. “While drugs and immigration have taken center stage in our bilateral relationship, the next U.S. administration and Mexico’s incoming president, Enrique Peña Nieto, should commit themselves to exploring ways to expand and enhance an already successful commercial relationship,” he suggested. “Latin America and the United States can be unstoppable together. Let’s use this opportune moment to focus greater attention and resolve toward our common future,” Salinas finalized.