BB Media: BB Media Day’s agenda helps us know where we are heading as an industry

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| September 13, 2023

Rosario Wills Angelica Gonzalez BB Media

BB Media Day was held again in person in Mexico City, 100% free. The event focused on streaming services, pay TV, and consumer trends to exchange information and learn about the best strategies to succeed in the Media and Telecommunications industry.

In five sessions, the company introduced different players in the audiovisual industry and their challenges with new trends and technologies such as AI. The ultimate goal was to share BB Media’s extensive knowledge gained from its studies and reports, offering a 360° view of what is happening in the market and be inspired by its data.

“We were surprised. We were uncertain about what would happen after the pandemic with in-person events. We let the event flow, and we had an attendance of over 100 people, more than we expected. Attendees left satisfied with the agenda, although it was a great challenge because the topics could last a whole day, since there were many aspects to cover,” commented Rosario Buil, Commercial Director for Ibero-America.

Regarding the topics that stood out the most among the attendees, Bull said: “What concerns the most is the challenge in terms of the amount of content and platforms. The market has to settle to know what strategy companies will take. Another topic was the FAST channels that we are all trying to understand where it is heading and what is going to happen with consumption.”

The great challenge is where we are heading and the next steps. “We are all waiting to see the moves of the great players.”

For her part, Angélica González, Country Manager of Mexico and Central America at BB Media said: “We consider that streaming has been the boom for a long time; however, the big news is Pay TV and the strategies that many companies have to use aim to continue growing. We must go back and learn about the user’s perspective, new trends, and gaming. “We thought we knew everything about gaming, but we do not; we are just at the beginning.”

“An issue that continues to worry the industry is piracy, which affects tremendously, so it is necessary to know where the money is filtered and who is receiving it, which are the homes that are not covered and find out what is after us in these companies,” she concluded. Both highlighted the upcoming events in Buenos Aires, Miami, and Colombia for 2024.

BB Media is a 35-year global Data Science company specializing in media and entertainment. BB Media monitors the prices, plans, packages, and commercial offers of +4,500 streaming services in +190 countries, including all its movie and series catalogs and normalized metadata.