BB Media: Out of all the homes in Latin America that have pay TV, more than half also use OTT platforms

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| June 29, 2022

BB Book 2022

BB Media presents its new edition of the BB Book 2022. It is a reference report in the industry that reflects a global vision of the streaming and television service market. According to the report, in Latin America, more than 74 million homes with Internet watch films or series on streaming platforms, being millennials the generation that consume them the most (89%).

Netflix continues leading the race, being the preferred platform for Latin American users, who use it an average of seven hours per week (including account sharing).

Increasingly more platforms join the streaming universe, increasing competition in the industry and forcing other players to find a valuable differential.Original content continues to be the main appeal and user retention. The top 3 platforms with the most original content are Netflix, HBO Max and Disney+.

Analysis of 2,100 platforms with a global presence in over 159 countries revealed that the countries with the most amount of production are the US, the UK, and Canada.

User concentration is increasingly larger and it is necessary to implement strategies to attract and retain the audience. Trial periods and discounts are increasingly offered by platforms, something highly appreciated by users.

Regarding TV, more than 66 million homes have access to pay-TV in Latin America. By analyzing the providers users choose the most, Televisa, América Móvil, DIRECTV, Grupo Telefónica and Telecom Argentina stand out.

The countries in Latin America with a greater amount of homes that state having pay-TV (without piracy, without underreporting) during the third quarter of 2021 went to Mexico, followed by Brazil, and third-place Argentina.

When referring to open TV, it will continue to be relevant due to its content and accessibility. The possibility of watching live content encourages users to turn on the TV and watch the program in real-time.

It is important to highlight that out of all the homes in Latin America that hire pay-TV, more than half also use OTT platforms in their different business models, proving the complementarity of both services.

Channels with programming for children, magazines, news, films, and sports were the most-watched throughout 2021.

To obtain more information, you can download the BB Book 2022 at https://bb.vision/bb-book-2022/