BB Media: We’ll witness the launch of many FAST channels with exclusive content to differentiate themselves

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| April 21, 2023

Vicky Campolongo de BB-Media

Vicky Campolongo, BB Media European Business Development Manager, told PRODU that based on research and talks that they have attended, in the coming months, a large number of FAST channels will be launched worldwide with exclusive content targeted to their audiences.

“Regarding OTTs we are seeing that people are choosing free AVOD options, but without a great impact on SVOD,” she added.

BB is currently working to keep its customers informed on FAST channels with data about the content of each channel when they offer it, how long it’s available, how many times they repeat that offer per day, and to which target they are aiming. This also helps brands know when to advertise so they can focus on a specific time, content, or target.

There is still no information on insights available, they are in the data collection phase. “What we are doing now is analyzing the channels in different regions of the world, we compare them and see what each one offers to understand how they differ from each other,” she concluded.