Benjamín Salinas VP Board of Directors Grupo Salinas

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| January 28, 2021

Benjamin Salinas Azteca

Ricardo Salinas Pliego, founder, and president of Grupo Salinas, announced the incorporation of Benjamín Salinas as the new VP of the Board of Directors of Grupo Salinas.

In his five years as General Director of TV Azteca, Benjamin Salinas led a transversal renovation in the company, from the way to do television to his shift towards live television and high-impact products. Likewise, he fostered in the company new dynamics that encourage collaboration and creativity, in state-of-the-art facilities.

As VP, he will continue supervising the direction and route of TV Azteca, accompanying its strategic renovation, as he will with other Business Units of Grupo Salinas, such as Italika, Totalplay, Elektra, and Banco Azteca, among others.

Benjamín Salinas is a businessman, audiovisual producer, a finance professional, and a high executive, which gives him extensive experience and proven ability to drive transformation processes for Grupo Salinas’ companies. Focused on innovation, improvement of processes, and optimization of resources, always emphasizing the human factor in his collaborators.

Diario de Hoy (15)