Bichoi Bastha and Hamza Kourimate of Dailymotion: The brand safety we guarantee is what has set us apart in the industry

July 8, 2024

Bichoi Bastha, Chief Revenue and Business Officer, and Hamza Kourimate, VP Global Head of Sales Marketing and Data Solutions de Dailymotion

Bichoi Bastha, Chief Revenue and Business Officer, and Hamza Kourimate, VP Global Head of Sales Marketing and Data Solutions at Dailymotion, shared with PRODU the different attributes that have kept this platform, which they define as “video marketing”, in the market for almost 20 years.

“We focus on technology, that is, on the video player. Advertisers and brands have been coming to seek this service. Then, we push the content of each of them on their platforms,” Bastha explained.

The company with more than 450 employees has expanded its offices from Paris to other cities such as Miami, New York, London, Singapore, Milan. They are also present in Thailand and the Philippines and now in Latin America, with their arrival in Mexico.

Bastha commented that they have over 5 billion monthly views and 500 million users are exposed to Dailymotion content. “We’ve taken it upon ourselves to have quality content. We believe in attention and metrics and in really creating advertising that reaches the right audiences,” he said.

In that sense, he details that they have a premium network and that they evaluate the KPL of the user’s attention to the brands. “We have grown in market share and our presence in the market”.

Kourimate explained how the company achieves contextual targeting and what differentiates them as a video marketing platform. “We help brands and agencies to measure and analyze audience behavior. Then, the job is to take that advertising to the right users with creative executions. We want to stand out in these hyperactive video multiplatforms,” he said.

He talked about the importance they place on attention metrics and essential KPLs. “We evaluate performance and creative effectiveness. In the end, we seek to bring value to the customer and perform marketing that goes through the entire funnel: awareness, interaction, engagement” he said.

To achieve all these objectives, Kourimate highlighted that they have four pillars: a unique ecosystem, which combines the content of Dailymotion.com and that of advertisers and partners. “We have a technology that guarantees brand safety and offers safe content for brands. That is what has kept us all these years in the industry.”

He also explains that with all these tools they can perform predictive segmentation through their first party data, which allows them to understand consumer behavior. “We can see what videos people search for, what time of day, what articles they read. This also gives us semantic data and other data such as gender and age” he said.

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