Boomerang TV: We also provide audiovisual services to international productions through Mediawan Service Spain

7 de agosto de 2024

Jorge Pezzi, CEO and managing director of the Spanish production company Boomerang TV

Executive producer Jorge Pezzi, CEO and managing director of Spanish production company Boomerang TV (part of the Mediawan Group) appeared on #PRODUprimetime with Richard Izarra. He stated that in addition to creating fiction and entertainment content, the group provides audiovisual services to international productions through Mediawan Service Spain.

“This service was already in place when I joined the company, and we’ve been actively promoting it since. We believe that anyone coming to Spain to produce content is a potential partner, and we’re well-positioned to support them. Our strong production track record gives us credibility, and we want to establish ourselves as a go-to partner for international producers.”


Pezzi views his appointment at Boomerang a year ago as a unique opportunity presented by life. He is determined to make the most of it, “squeezing it for all it’s worth and rising to the challenge, which is undoubtedly demanding but incredibly rewarding.”

While Pezzi’s career in the industry began just eight years ago with the founding of his production company, Uncle Producciones, his rapid and successful growth is undeniable. This trajectory led to the formation of LACOproductora with media entrepreneur José Miguel Contreras, which was ultimately acquired by the Prisa Group in 2022.

“I’ve thoroughly enjoyed every aspect of my career thus far and continue to do so,” he said, emphasizing his optimistic outlook on the industry. “I genuinely love the industry, its clients, and the projects that emerge. I believe Spain holds immense potential, and it’s a privilege to be part of it.”


For him, his new company needed to be backed by an international group. “As a professional opportunity, it was particularly appealing because otherwise, the change wouldn’t have made much sense. From the initial interview, I recognized a shared mindset and a similar vision for the industry and content.”

In his view, the Mediawan group, established in 2015, boasts exceptional talent and a strong drive for innovation and collaboration. “I thrive on working with companies from different countries, seeking out synergies and joint ventures. I’m even open to exploring projects that haven’t been successful for us domestically but could potentially flourish elsewhere or through partnerships,” he said.

He likens the situation to getting into a car already traveling at high speed. “At such velocity, certain things are inevitable,” he explains. Therefore, rather than attempting a complete overhaul, they will focus on refining the areas that need improvement.

Perhaps, he suggests, the company has become more open to diverse content and talent. He aims to attract individuals with unique perspectives who might not typically consider Boomerang. “We want them to feel this is a place where exceptional projects will be conceived and executed with meticulous care,” he says. The company is also expanding its horizons to encompass even more varied projects.


The production company plans to grow based on projects. “Putting it where it was at its best, making it grow, but growing from where I take it from a number of projects, types of projects,  quality, that is my growth. And obviously, economically for the Group.”


He wants clients to believe in and trust the new company, eager for them to buy into their projects and collaborate with them. “When I joined, we reopened the door to Mediaset, which is fantastic news.”

We’ve launched a program with them and hope it’s the first of many joint ventures. “We’ve completed a series for Disney, set for release in 2025, and are currently developing several projects with streaming platforms.”


Attracting external talent for specific projects is a core strategy, without expanding our permanent workforce. “We collaborate with external professionals on individual projects because large, fixed creative teams can be inflexible due to the diverse nature of projects.”

He believes each project requires a specific set of talent. “We have in-house creative leadership to spearhead these projects and manage the necessary talent at the executive production level.”

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