Business Bureau: Prime time won´t exist for Generation Z

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| December 11, 2015

Tomás Gennari, Chief Business Intelligence Officer, Business Bureau

Regarding content consumption, it is a habit for Generation Z -13 and 14-year-old children- to relegate TV to second place and not have it as their main screen, and for them prime time doesn’t exist.These were some of the conclusions presented by Tomás Gennari, Chief Business Intelligence Officer at Business Bureau, in his study Welcome Cord-Cutters and Cord-Nevers. Gennari added that even when these children are watching TV, they are paying more attention to their tablets and smartphones than to the TV.“We see that prime time, as well as linear channel programming is dying. In homes that have Internet access, the time slot they use Netflix the most is in prime time. Children use YouTube most during prime time”, he told PRODU.He highlighted that, the same as in the content industry, in the advertising industry there has to be disruption and change. “What we understand is that children who watch non-linear advertising are more engaged because they are paying more attention to that tablet and are more likely to ask someone to buy them the products they saw in the ad content. Now, the downside is that we know from our clients, that they are still not managing to achieve their ad goals on those digital, non-linear platforms. Transfer of advertising on linear channels to digital platforms still remains pending, and we think this will happen in the short term”, he adds.

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