Caracol: Arelys Henao’s biopic is a Colombian story that appeals to any country

Maribel Ramos-Weiner| January 28, 2022

Arelys Henao de Canto para no llorar

Despite that the NATPE’s show in Florida was off due to the omicron outbreak, Lisette Osorio, VP of International Business at Caracol Televisión, was able to continue doing business as always, but this time online. During the NATPE Showcase with Ríchard Izarra, she highlighted the flagship product they planned to introduce in Miami, Canto Para No Llorar, Arelys Henao (60×60´), “it is a great success that we bring to this market.”

“We believe that we have been really reinforced, we have learned great lessons since the beginning of this pandemic. It is incredible that almost two years have passed and we continue with our virtual backings, but make the most of it. I think that, from a business point of view, it is being handled very well by both suppliers and clients and, thanks to this digital way of connecting, we have been able to do business as we always did,” said Osorio.

“We are really happy with the performance of Canto Para No Llorar, Arelys Henao. It is currently scoring 50 share points and has captivated the audience, showing us that there really isn’t a magic recipe… It’s about developing a very good production, with captivating stories. In addition, it’s a narrative that pictures an actual reality, the story of this woman who has been displaced, who fights against gender violence and, with her music, becomes a reference against machismo and the fight for equality. Leaving the audience with a message of women empowerment. It is not only a Colombian story but one that appeals to any country in the region.”

In this regard, she highlighted that through biopics like Henao’s one, Caracol Televisión has evolved in telling stories that transcends its place of origin, making them an international voice on relevant issues such as violence and gender inequality.

“We hope to see you soon, to be able to hug you and to celebrate meeting again, but if we have come this far, imagine what we can do later. As our slogan says: ‘together we do it better’, she concluded.

Watch full showcase

Diario de Hoy (15)